I am a director at ReAttach Academy, a non-profit organization that provides training and certification in ReAttach Therapy, a new schema therapy that focuses on the importance of attachment and play for optimal psychological functioning. I have a Ph.D. in Psychiatry and Neuropsychology from Maastricht University.
With over 6 years of experience in developing and applying ReAttach Therapy, I have published multiple papers and chapters on its benefits and mechanisms for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, cognitive impairments, trauma, and other mental health issues. I am also the founder of the Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, an open access peer-reviewed journal that promotes innovative and interdisciplinary research in psychology. My mission is to advance the knowledge and practice of ReAttach and to support its global dissemination and implementation.
Heeft u als zorgprofessional cliënten die last hebben van overprikkeling, trauma, burn-out, angst of somatische klachten, identiteitsproblemen of leerproblemen? Dan is ReAttach echt iets voor u!
Dr. Paula Bartholomeus
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